VINsider Wine Club Pickup Party Fall 2022
Oct 16, 2022 10:30am - 4:30pm
We will be hosting an in-person pickup party for our wine club members in the Fall!
Reservations are now available at 11:00 am 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm.
One of the benefits of being a VINsider Wine Club member is the opportunity, after each semi-annual shipment, to taste the wines in the shipment, learn what new projects we've been working on, and spend some time with the Tablas Creek winemakers and team. The fall tasting party is also when we debut the newest vintages of Esprit de Tablas and Esprit de Tablas Blanc! On Sunday, October 16th, we'll be closing the tasting room to the public and dedicating it to our wine club members. We take each group through the progress of the 2022 harvest, our regenerative organic efforts, and a tasting through the shipment wines. We'll serve a small dish to pair with the whites and another with the reds.
Attendees also receive a day-of-the-event only extra 5% discount on additional purchases of the wines in the shipment. This tasting is open only to VINsiders. You can choose your preferred time slot online, or email or call 805.237.1231 ext 236 to with questions or if you'd like help.