Dec 3rd, 2020
Wine & Spirits: Tablas Creek is the World's First Regenerative Organic Certified™ Winery

In a great new article online and in the December print edition of Wine & Spirits Magazine, author Patrick Comiskey celebrates Tablas Creek's achievement of becoming the world's first Regenerative Organic Certified™ winery. From the piece, one thing we're most excited about, that it sounds like lots of other great wineries will be following our path:
In July of this year Tablas Creek successfully completed its trial, and became the world’s first certified–Regenerative Organic wine property.
It’s not likely to be the last. Several growers have reached out to Tablas Creek and to the Alliance to inquire about certification—wineries such as Radio-Coteau, Frog’s Leap, Sea Smoke and Villa Creek in California, and Troon Vineyards and Hope Well Wines in Oregon. Vanya Cullen in Margaret River has inquired, as have representatives of Cullen’s importer, Old Bridge Cellars, on behalf of its other wineries who are in step with the practices.