Oct 4th, 2022
Decanter: Thinking inside the box

In a new article in Decanter, author Rupert Joy dives into alternative packaging in wine, from cans to boxes to pouches to lightweight bottles made out of plastic and paper. He spoke to our Jason Haas about our experiments with the 3L bag-in-box this year. From the piece:
After conducting a carbon self-audit in 2021, Jason Haas of Tablas Creek in California was ‘blown away’ by how much of his winery’s footprint came from glass bottles alone. He had dismissed moving to BIB because of its low-cost image in the US, but, he says: ‘A friend said to me, there has to be a high-end winery that goes first. I spent a lot of time thinking about that and decided he was right.’ Haas cautiously launched his Patelin de Tablas Rosé 2021 in 3-litre BIBs this year at US$95 (tablascreek.com). They sold out in less than four hours. ‘The feedback was unbelievably positive. People are excited to confound their friends’ expectations. It’s the cutting edge of sustainability.’