Feb 23rd, 2022
Robb Report: Can Fine Wine Come in a Box? This Vineyard Is Betting on It

Subtitle: Tablas Creek is making that earth-friendly option hard to resist.
In a terrific new article for Robb Report, writer Sara Schneider explores our decision to dip our toe in the water of alternative, lighter-carbon-footprint packages by making 3L boxes of our 2021 Patelin de Tablas Rosé. A taste of her piece:
A good deal of soul-searching swept away the arguments against “bottling” some good Tablas Creek wine in boxes—wine meant to be drunk within a few months. “It’s not just about carbon footprint,” says Haas. “It’s a good choice for storage and usage too.” So many of those heavy glass bottles don’t actually fit into standard cellar racks. And tapping a box of wine doesn’t start to degrade the contents like pulling a cork; the internal bag deflates as the wine is dispensed, keeping oxygen at bay. The wine stays fresh for weeks (in the off chance that four bottles’ worth of Tablas Creek will last that long in your house). Besides, says Haas about committing a higher-end tipple to a box, “someone has to be first!”